Product Review: Sunforce 100 LED Solar Motion Light
The Sunforce 100 LED Solar Motion Light is a great option if you are looking for an outdoor solar light, and received a 9/10 in our review.
The Sunforce 100 LED Solar Motion Light is a great option if you are looking for an outdoor solar light, and received a 9/10 in our review.
The ozone layer is a region of our stratosphere that absorbs the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It contains roughly 10 ppm of ozone, and is mainly found in the lower portion of the stratosphere approximately 20 to 30 kilometers above the ground.
Tax incentives are a critical renewable energy subsidy tool that can take the form of investment tax credits, and depreciation tax shields. When combined, these tax incentives can reduce the cost of renewable energy by more than 50%.
Renewable energy is the most sustainable way to generate power, and we must continue to develop the various technologies in order to replace fossil fuels.
Do you know what Ontario offers when it comes to solar panel incentives?
Feed-in Tariff (FIT) is a renewable energy subsidy policy that essentially guarantees the price that a renewable energy producer can sell their electricity at.
In order for intermittent sources of renewable energy (such as solar and wind) to become mainstream, we need to have an economical way of storing power. Luckily, energy storage prices are dropping faster than most people have predicted.
Do you know what New Brunswick offers when it comes to solar panel incentives?
Do you know what Manitoba offers when it comes to solar panel incentives?
Do you know what BC offers when it comes to solar panel incentives?